Issue Position: Crime

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

As a former Police Officer, I have seen ugliness on both sides of the badge. While I am a strong supporter of our legal process, I am not in support of everyone running it. We need to both clean up the crime on our streets and clean out those who do not deserve to have such authority within the system. Everyone, from Congress to my son making his bed every morning needs to be held accountable and those behind the badge are no exception. There are way too many folks in jail today who don't belong there and many who do but are not.

We also need to do more for such state programs that enforce children and family services. They are all so under funded and under staffed, that it leaves doors wide open for abusers and for more children to suffer. This has to end and end quickly. And I am also just as passionate about enforcing punishment on those who falsely accuse people for selfish reasons knowing the system doesn't have the time or resources to hold them accountable. How is this acceptable? Why are we allowing so many to abuse the system and take up so many of our limited resources to chase selfish lies often in the name of trying to win a custody battle?

It is time we follow through on JUSTICE FOR ALL by enforcing our laws and holding everyone accountable.
